About the author
I've never considered myself as special in any way and the idea of writing a book never entered my mind. I have always craved adventure and being part of the action, not simply sitting on the sidelines. Growing up on a farm allowed me the chance to explore and examine the world around me. That farm being very close to the ocean allowed the chance for me to explore marine life as well but for me the greatest satisfaction came from working with large animals. Horses and cattle were a huge part of my life. Having a career that kept me close to nature gave me the chance to see how creation works.
Understanding the way the world really works apparently gave me some insight into how to solve problems and puzzles, including some of the mysteries of the Bible. Instead of giving up and thinking I’ll never be able to understand what it means, I became tenacious. When there seemed to be more than one answer to a question, I wanted to know which answer was true. Much like caring for livestock I would examine each aspect of a question as I would examine an animal I was responsible for.
I didn’t choose college or trade school, I learned from the school of hard knocks. When something didn’t work, find a way that does work.
Experience can be a cruel teacher when you don’t learn from it, but it can also be the greatest teacher if you are willing to be a good student.
I have had the opportunity to lead and teach young people who worked with me or for a farm I managed. For one summer I was one of the teachers for a guide school, showing others how to take people and Horses into the mountains and return safely.
I said I liked adventure, but I didn’t expect this adventure to be research, writing and teaching about the Bible, which I consider to have some of the greatest adventures ever written about. I do enjoy the chance to speak to groups on occasion and I (as many others) have a podcast that I publish twice each week. I have no idea what adventure will be next but I do know I can’t wait!

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